Real Estate Concierge
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Whether you’re Buying a Home in Encinitas or Buying a Home in Carlsbad this Real Estate Concierge by James Jam will help you find your dream home! James Jam achieved in his first ten years what few realtors achieve in a lifetime. The same persistence and determination that serve his clients well has propelled James to the top 1% of all agents in the country with his previous employer, Coldwell Banker, in 2001, 2003, and 2004, and to the rank of the No. 1 Individual Agent for BHHS in San Diego County in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. In addition, his expertise remains unparalleled, as the No. 1 luxury property, certified relocation, architectural, and certified REO specialist. Numerous other professional accolades, including the Chairman’s Circle Diamond Member Award, Legend Award, and 100% Outstanding Performance Award attest to his consistent work ethic.
Real Estate Concierge James Jam Real estate approach
“’Dreams Made Real’ is my personal philosophy that encompasses the perfect real estate experience. It is the gold standard that I strive to provide to each one of my friends and clients. From the onset of the experience to the culmination of the house sale or home purchase many elements combine to make up the whole, including marketing, negotiation and communication. My dedication to putting together the individual pieces will ensure that my clients enjoy a dream transaction and ultimately a pleasant and fulfilling experience when buying or selling a home. It is about helping my clients every step of the way. I make a promise to my clients that they will receive the best possible representation and an unparalleled level of service and communication throughout the process whether it is by providing an aggressive marketing plan, sensitive negotiation, or unrivaled market knowledge. Every relationship, from the beginning is built on trust and mutual respect, which enables me to truly appreciate my clients’ goals. Every time I make this commitment to my clients, I place my credibility on the line, but my years of experience, in depth knowledge of the market and proven track record allow me to fulfill the commitment that I make. I am dedicated to providing each client with the superior benefits of this plan and the best representation possible. This is how ‘Dreams are Made Real’.”